Friday, November 25, 2005

Winters carpet

The hardest part of being a fanatical gardener is watching the first blanket of snow cover the ground knowing that here we have at least 4 months of waiting until the ground is no longer covered or frozen and to see the first red nubs popping out of the ground.
I currently have over 100 different named peonies on a lot 26 wide x 75 long. Many who have seen my garden are amazed that so many peonies are here but all are labelled and if they wish to may walk about and count them. My only comfort over the winter is checking the internet for new additions to the collection. I spend the coldest part of the winter compiling a list from A to Z of herbaceous peonies, descriptions, hybridizer and any other info I can find. At the beginning of the the gardening season I check all the Canadian suppliers I can find and match each supplier and price to the appropriate peony. If I add to my collection I check the list first to find the best deal. Its worked so far!!
So here we are at the beginning of the winter season and with only four months to go its going to be a long winter.

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